Communities and locations
The communities and other locations, referenced throughout the RIFIC website, are locations derived from the Australian Government Indigenous Programs & Policy Locations (AGIL) data set. The AGIL locations are referred to as Indigenous communities on RIFIC and can refer to a range of different types of locations (see description of AGIL data set below).
Because the AGIL locations are not the only locations where Indigenous Australians live, the RIFIC location database has also been complemented with one location for each local area in the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) State Suburbs (SSC) data set. The SSC locations are referred to as Other locations on RIFIC.
The inclusion of both the AGIL and SSC locations means that meaningful local place names from all around Australia can be found through the search. Many locations have several alternative names. The inclusion of many of these in RIFIC’s List of communities means that the number of entries in that list is greater than the number of locations. When a location name of interest cannot be found through the text search or browsing the List of communities, try clicking on the location in the Search on map and select a corresponding region that way. Suggestions for additional locations, or location names, that should be included in RIFIC are very welcome and can be submitted by clicking the FEEDBACK tab.
Australian Government Indigenous Programs & Policy Locations (AGIL) data set
The AGIL data set is available from the website with the following description:
This dataset has been developed by the Australian Government as an authoritative source of indigenous location names across Australia. It is sponsored by the Spatial Policy Branch within the Department of Communications and managed solely by the Department of Human Services.
The dataset is designed to support the accurate positioning, consistent reporting, and effective delivery of Australian Government programs and services to indigenous locations.
The dataset contains Preferred and Alternate names for indigenous locations where Australian Government programs and services have been, are being, or may be provided. The Preferred name will always default to a State or Territory jurisdiction's gazetted name so the term 'preferred' does not infer that this is the locally known name for the location. Similarly, locational details are aligned, where possible, with those published in State and Territory registers.
This dataset is NOT a complete listing of all locations at which indigenous people reside. Town and city names are not included in the dataset. The dataset contains names that represent indigenous communities, outstations, defined indigenous areas within a town or city or locations where services have been provided.
State Suburbs (SSC)
State Suburbs are an approximation of the officially recognised boundaries of suburbs (in cities and larger towns) and localities (outside of cities and larger towns). More information about the State Suburbs can be found on the ABS website.
The Other locations on RIFIC are the geographic midpoints of the SSCs. These midpoints are presented as the location of each suburb or locality in the RIFIC maps.
The First Nations Health and Welfare Group at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to the people, the cultures and Elders past and present.
We thank all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities and individuals across Australia who told us that they need access to data that is collected by governments and that is relevant to them and their places, to help them with local planning and decision making. The creation of the Regional Insights for Indigenous Communities website (RIFIC) is our response to this need.
We thank the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and the Department of Health and Aged Care for their help with the organisation of national workshops held across Australia on earlier versions of the current website. We thank all of the people from Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, Empowered Communities and Primary Health Networks, who provided valuable advice at these workshops.
We thank the Coalition of Peaks, NACCHO, the Indigenous Data Network, the Lowitja Institute, the Australian National University National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, the Department of Health and Aged Care, and the National Indigenous Australians Agency. Consultations with them resulted in significant enhancements and refinements to the website.
We thank Linda (Nungjingi) Huddleston for the artwork and graphic design.
This website was mainly funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care First Nations Health Division.
Artwork story
The homepage design is based on the artwork piece ‘Data & Diversity’ by First Nations artist Jay Hobbs. The design uses elements from the piece to emphasise the importance of community and connection.
Data & Diversity
By Jay Hobbs (proud Kuku Yalanji & Meriam-Mir Man)
This canvas echoes the spirit of commitment to reconciliation with Australia's First Nations. As the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) stands resolute in its pursuit of a healthier and more inclusive future for all Australians. These strokes of colour and elements encapsulate the dedication to honouring and empowering the voices that have for millennia resonated through this ancient land.
The commitment extends beyond the realms of data, information, and evidence. It is a testament etched with sincerity and rooted in action. Through meaningful relationships and partnerships with First Nations people, communities, organisations, and businesses.
Here, the narratives of the past are intertwined with the narratives of the present, and the possibilities of the future emerge as an ever-unfolding tapestry. Just as each hue contributes to the whole, these reforms underpin a canvas of change, designed to bridge the gaps that divide, strengthen partnerships, and empower communities.
The icons used throughout this website was created by Linda (Nungjingi) Huddleston.
Linda belongs to the Gurindji, Malngin, Mudpurra, Ngardi, Walpiri (Northern Territory) and Wiradjuri (New South Wales) peoples. Linda is a renowned Aboriginal artist who has been creating dot paintings for over 20 years.
Artwork |
Description |
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People and communities The circle in the middle is the community and the surrounding ‘U’ shapes are the people. |
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Education and work This artwork represents the journey of digging tracks. |
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Life expectancy and mortality This artwork represents the sacred tree of life. |
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Health risk factors This artwork represents kidney disease dialysis. |
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Health conditions This artwork represents that heart disease is common among Aboriginal people. |
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Health services use This artwork represents a main office and health services. The circle in the centre represents the main office and the surrounding dots are the different health services available. |
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Closing the Gap This artwork represents how the Closing the Gap is about improving the health and wellbeing of First Nations peoples. The middle circle represents a tribe, which is the Australian Government. The large U shape is adults, with the smaller U shapes being the children. Elders pass on culture to the younger generation, to ensure the children live a long healthy and happy life. The small circles on the outside represent different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes and organisations. The lines represent the different pathways chosen, as well as the health and life expectancy gap. |
Mothers and babies |
Children (0–14 years) |
Adolescents and youth (15–24 years) |
Adults (25–49 years) |
Older people (50 years and over) |
Abbreviations This artwork represents kangaroo prints, people and mountains. |
Data availability This artwork represents hands with a heart meeting place. |
Data sources This artwork represents a message stick going from tribe to tribe.
Glossary The goanna represents a totem; every tribe has a totem. |
Help This artwork represents didgeridoo and clapsticks. |
Region types This artwork represents footprints gone walkabout. |
Technical notes This artwork represents tracks on the sacred tree |
Updates This artwork represents the boomerangs meeting place. |
Suggested citation
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2024. Regional Insights for Indigenous Communities. Canberra: AIHW. Viewed [insert date].